Larry « Ca Blaze » Bourgeois and Laurent « Lil Beast » Bourgeois (born 1988) French Astist

Juste Debout 2011: The hearth cake of dance. Two brothers make the difference. I saw the performance on the TV cable channel. This performance will stay forever in my mind. They just won the hip-hop new style tournament at the street dance competition. They are now world champions, and it’s widely deserved. You are caught on their moves, they are fast, synchronous, identical and indivisible and somehow intrinsically unique.

After that event, their carriers are launched; they meet Jay-Z and danced for Beyonce, Missy Elliot…Working for advertising world too, we will hear about us again. Please see the videos

Snapped by Shawn Welling

Video by Yak Films

Video for Rockawear and Adidas Promotion

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